Video Categories:
Bee Films - A collection of documentaries and feature films on bees
Educational - Everything from basic hive maintenance to splitting and swarm capture
Bee Films - A collection of documentaries and feature films on bees
Educational - Everything from basic hive maintenance to splitting and swarm capture
History - Vintage films and historical videos
Bees of the World - Rural and urban beekeeping from the different continents
General Interest - A wide variety of topics from science to music to ecology
Agriculture - Documentaries on food production
Documentaries - Films dealing with environmental issues
Bee Films
Going With the Flow The making of the flow frame (28 mins)
The Beekeeper's Son Telling the Bees (10 mins)
Marla Spivak Why the Bees are Disappearing (16 mins)
Dennis vanEnglesdorp Where have the bees gone (16:29 mins)
A World Without Bees (15 mins)
Silence of the Bees PBS Nature (54 mins)
The Wonder of Bees (BBC) 4 episodes (120 mins0
Buddha Bees and the Giant Hornet Queen Buddha Bees (49 mins)
The Honey Hunters of Nepal Jimmy and the Honey Hunters (56 mins)
Dominic Monaghan and the Giant Honey Bees Apis Dorsata (44 mins)
Handful of Bees Dutch (41 mins)
Queen of the Savannah Queen of the Savannah (58 mins)
Who Killed the Honey Bee (BBC) Killed (58 mins)
Bees, Butterflies and Blooms Promoting Pollinators (59 mins)
Bees Extinction, Solving the Mystery Bee doc (51 mins)
Messages from Bees CCD in Japan (58 mins)
Pollination and Protecting Pollinators Washington State University (52 mins)
American Foulbrood South Africa (85 mins)
Africanized Bees In South Florida (FDA) Africanized Bees (22:49 mins)
Bee Deaths in France (Bayer's imidacloprid) Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Neonicotinoid Pesticides (Tom Theobold and Dan Rather) 25 mins
Marla Spivak presentation to Minnesota State (224 mins)
Basic Beekeeping:
A Web-Based Introductory Beekeeping Training Program Ohio State (34 videos)
Beekeeping in Northern Climates Video Series U. of Minnesota (10 videos)
Honey Bees and Colony Strength Evaluation (University of California)
1. Course Introduction
2. Basic Bee Biology
3. The Hive and Hive Organization
4. Colony Strength Evaluations
5. Inspection Recommendations
6. Bee Suit Basics
7. Random vs Systemic Selection
8. Generating Random Numbers
9. Other Things You Might See
10. Bee Frames
11. Brood Area Estimates
"A Year in the Life" is an 8 episode video series by Dr. Keith Delaplane of the University of Georgia to teach novices basic beekeeping and expand the knowledge of experienced beekeepers:
1.1 A year in the life of an apiary Bees (8:18 mins)
1.2 A year in the life of an apiary Bees (9:29 mins)
1.3 A year in the life of an apiary Bees (9:29 mins)
2.1 Bee biology and equipment Bees (7:38 mins)
2.2 Receiving and installing package bees Bees (7:14 mins)
2.3 Releasing queens Bees (6:43 mins)
2.4 Releasing queens and stings Bees (7:05 mins)
3.1 Things are buzzin Bees (7:10 mins)
3.2 The brood nest Bees (5 mins)
3.3 Our growing hives Bees (5:49 mins)
3.4 Migrating our hives Bees (9:18 mins)
4.1 Requeening Bees (8 mins)
4.2 Queen Rearing Bees (9:44 mins)
4.3 Package production beekeeping associations Bees (9:27 mins)
5.1 Diseases and Pests Bees (8:52 mins)
5.2 Chalkbrood, sacbrood, moths, tracheal mites Bees (9:28 mins)
5.3 Varroa mites and queenlessness Bees (8:35 mins)
6.1 It's harvest time Bees (6:45 mins)
6.2 Extracting honey Bees (7:36 mins)
6.3 Packaging and selling honey Bees (6:11 mins)
6.4 Commercial honey processing Bees (6:32 mins)
7.1 Overwintering hives Bees (6:06 mins)
Beekeeping equipment for beginners Equipment (9 mins)
Splitting a hive (adding a queen) Splitting (12 mins)
Easy Queen Making Fat Bee Man (4 mins)
Bee Water Hole H2O (3 mins)
Different bee feeders Feeders (5:36 mins)
Making pollen patties Food (5 mins)
Installing a pollen patty Installing (2:32 mins)
Checking your bees in winter Winter Bees (2:13 mins)
Make and Use Foundationless Frames How to (6 mins)
Inspecting Foundationless Frames Lookin (3 mins)
Honey Bees and Parasitic Mites Dr. James Tew (55 mins)
Varroa mite Varroa (5:52 mins)
Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (2 mins)
Bees fighting Varroa Hygienic (9:37 mins)
Nosema Disease Bowels (15 mins)
American and European Foulbrood (15 mins)
AFB Treatment Caspian Solution (7 mins)
Tracheal Mites Silent Killer (19 mins)
Tracheal mite symptoms Tracheal (19 mins)
Small hive beetles Beetles (3:32 mins)
Small Hive Beetles Beetles (18 mins)
The Zombie Bee Parasitic fly (1 min)
Parasitic Fly Bees (1 min)
Top Bar Beekeeping:
Top Bar Hive Inspection Inspect (12 mins)
How to Build a Top Bar Hive Build (29 mins)
Build a Top Bar Hive for under $50 Cheap (24 mins)
Top Bar Hive Glass Window Build (9 mins)
Top Bar Hive Lead Roof Build (6 mins)
Catching a swarm (Top bar hive) Swarm (10:39 mins)
Moving bees from frames to a top bar hive Moving (12:19 mins)
Kenyan Top Bar Hive Natural Beekeeping (27 mins)
Organic and Natural Beekeeping:
Michael Bush Treatment-free Beekeeping (8 mins)
Dee Lusby Organic Beekeeping (27 mins)
Thomas Seeley Following Wild Bees (50 mins)
The Warre Hive David Heaf (27 mins)
Natural Beekeeping (Preventing CCD) Natural Beekeeping (10:20 mins)
The Sun Hive The inside (11 mins)
The Sun Hive Sun Hive (10:01 mins)
Perone Hive Natural Beekeeping (12 mins)
Every Pollen Grain has a Story Jonathan Drori (7 mins)
Pollination Beautiful Tricks of Flowers (14 mins)
The Dynamics of Pollination Pollination (13 mins)
The Pollinator Pyramid Pollinator (20:04 mins)
Pollen Gathering Pollen HD (10:39 mins)
Pollen Under the microscope (6 mins)
Commercial Pollination Money (18 mins)
Pollination Milkweed (8:17 mins)
Basic Beekeeping:
A Web-Based Introductory Beekeeping Training Program Ohio State (34 videos)
Beekeeping in Northern Climates Video Series U. of Minnesota (10 videos)
Honey Bees and Colony Strength Evaluation (University of California)
1. Course Introduction
2. Basic Bee Biology
3. The Hive and Hive Organization
4. Colony Strength Evaluations
5. Inspection Recommendations
6. Bee Suit Basics
7. Random vs Systemic Selection
8. Generating Random Numbers
9. Other Things You Might See
10. Bee Frames
11. Brood Area Estimates
"A Year in the Life" is an 8 episode video series by Dr. Keith Delaplane of the University of Georgia to teach novices basic beekeeping and expand the knowledge of experienced beekeepers:
1.1 A year in the life of an apiary Bees (8:18 mins)
1.2 A year in the life of an apiary Bees (9:29 mins)
1.3 A year in the life of an apiary Bees (9:29 mins)
2.1 Bee biology and equipment Bees (7:38 mins)
2.2 Receiving and installing package bees Bees (7:14 mins)
2.3 Releasing queens Bees (6:43 mins)
2.4 Releasing queens and stings Bees (7:05 mins)
3.1 Things are buzzin Bees (7:10 mins)
3.2 The brood nest Bees (5 mins)
3.3 Our growing hives Bees (5:49 mins)
3.4 Migrating our hives Bees (9:18 mins)
4.1 Requeening Bees (8 mins)
4.2 Queen Rearing Bees (9:44 mins)
4.3 Package production beekeeping associations Bees (9:27 mins)
5.1 Diseases and Pests Bees (8:52 mins)
5.2 Chalkbrood, sacbrood, moths, tracheal mites Bees (9:28 mins)
5.3 Varroa mites and queenlessness Bees (8:35 mins)
6.1 It's harvest time Bees (6:45 mins)
6.2 Extracting honey Bees (7:36 mins)
6.3 Packaging and selling honey Bees (6:11 mins)
6.4 Commercial honey processing Bees (6:32 mins)
7.1 Overwintering hives Bees (6:06 mins)
Beekeeping equipment for beginners Equipment (9 mins)
How to set up a bee
hive Set up
(9 mins)
Installing a package
of bees Package
(9 mins)
Installing an Arataki tube of bees Arataki Tube (3 mins)
Arataki part two Arataki Part 2 (2:20 mins)
Lighting your smoker cough (5 mins)
Basic smoking and hive inspection Hive inspection (2:45 mins)
Beekeeping Inspection and Split Presentation (92 mins)Installing an Arataki tube of bees Arataki Tube (3 mins)
Arataki part two Arataki Part 2 (2:20 mins)
Lighting your smoker cough (5 mins)
Basic smoking and hive inspection Hive inspection (2:45 mins)
Splitting a hive (adding a queen) Splitting (12 mins)
Easy Queen Making Fat Bee Man (4 mins)
Bee Water Hole H2O (3 mins)
Different bee feeders Feeders (5:36 mins)
Making pollen patties Food (5 mins)
Installing a pollen patty Installing (2:32 mins)
Checking your bees in winter Winter Bees (2:13 mins)
Using a triangular
bee escape to harvest honey Bee escape
(3:10 mins)
Easy Uncapping Heat gun (5 mins)
Harvesting honey Crush-and-strain method of honey extracrtion (7 mins)
How to make starter strips Starter Strips (2:37 mins)Harvesting honey Crush-and-strain method of honey extracrtion (7 mins)
Make and Use Foundationless Frames How to (6 mins)
Inspecting Foundationless Frames Lookin (3 mins)
Treasure in a swarm trap Swarm trap (2:50 mins)
Swarm capture Swarm rescue (3:25 mins)
Shop vacuum bees Vacuum (4 mins)
Removing bees from a tree Tree bees (11 mins)
Swarm capture Swarm rescue (3:25 mins)
Shop vacuum bees Vacuum (4 mins)
Removing bees from a tree Tree bees (11 mins)
Swarm cut out school Cut out school (9:24 mins)
Cutting out Swarms from Swarm Traps Bait hives (9 mins)
Biology of Wintering Bees Medhat Nasr (67 mins)
Diseases and Pests:Cutting out Swarms from Swarm Traps Bait hives (9 mins)
Biology of Wintering Bees Medhat Nasr (67 mins)
Honey Bees and Parasitic Mites Dr. James Tew (55 mins)
Varroa mite Varroa (5:52 mins)
Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (2 mins)
Bees fighting Varroa Hygienic (9:37 mins)
Nosema Disease Bowels (15 mins)
American and European Foulbrood (15 mins)
AFB Treatment Caspian Solution (7 mins)
Tracheal Mites Silent Killer (19 mins)
Tracheal mite symptoms Tracheal (19 mins)
Small hive beetles Beetles (3:32 mins)
Small Hive Beetles Beetles (18 mins)
The Zombie Bee Parasitic fly (1 min)
Parasitic Fly Bees (1 min)
Top Bar Beekeeping:
Top Bar Hive Inspection Inspect (12 mins)
How to Build a Top Bar Hive Build (29 mins)
Build a Top Bar Hive for under $50 Cheap (24 mins)
Top Bar Hive Glass Window Build (9 mins)
Top Bar Hive Lead Roof Build (6 mins)
Catching a swarm (Top bar hive) Swarm (10:39 mins)
Moving bees from frames to a top bar hive Moving (12:19 mins)
Kenyan Top Bar Hive Natural Beekeeping (27 mins)
Organic and Natural Beekeeping:
Michael Bush Treatment-free Beekeeping (8 mins)
Dee Lusby Organic Beekeeping (27 mins)
Thomas Seeley Following Wild Bees (50 mins)
The Warre Hive David Heaf (27 mins)
Natural Beekeeping (Preventing CCD) Natural Beekeeping (10:20 mins)
The Sun Hive The inside (11 mins)
The Sun Hive Sun Hive (10:01 mins)
Perone Hive Natural Beekeeping (12 mins)
Every Pollen Grain has a Story Jonathan Drori (7 mins)
Pollination Beautiful Tricks of Flowers (14 mins)
The Dynamics of Pollination Pollination (13 mins)
The Pollinator Pyramid Pollinator (20:04 mins)
Pollen Gathering Pollen HD (10:39 mins)
Pollen Under the microscope (6 mins)
Commercial Pollination Money (18 mins)
Pollination Milkweed (8:17 mins)
Bee biology, with Jaimie Ellis Bee Biology (66 min.) Bee Biology Pdf
Honey Bee Genome Nature vs Nuture (16:42 mins)
Dancing honey bee using vector calculation Dancing (3:01 mins)
Honey Bee Genome Nature vs Nuture (16:42 mins)
Dancing honey bee using vector calculation Dancing (3:01 mins)
A Plea for Bees' Needs Bees' Needs (58 mins)
Honey of the Untouchables India (11 mins)
Bees in the World Eric Tourneret (10 mins)
World's Largest Honey Bees BBC (5 mins)
Solitary Bees and Wasps Nests (7 mins)
Native Pollinators Native (5 mins)
Orchid Bees Euglossa (9 mins)
Giant Asian Honey Bees (Apis Dorsata) BBC (4:50 mins)
Setting out Mason
Bees Mason Bees
(4:23 mins)
Slow motion Bumble
Bee Slow Humble Bee (4 mins)
Mason Bees City Farmer (2:27 mins)
Pollinator hedgerows for farms Hedgerows (4:33 mins)
Smithonian tropical native bee research Nice job (5 mins)
Native Pollinators Alternatives (9:15 mins)
Releasing Mason Bees Blue Orchard (6 mins)
Saving the Bumblebee Humble Bee (31:58 mins)
Giant Honey Bees (Apis Dorsata) BBC (4:50 mins)
Chasing Bumble Bees in the Teton Mountains Humble Bees (10:38 mins)
Native Pollinators Alternatives (9:15 mins)
Keeping Native Stingless Bees Australia (3 mins)
Extinct Short Haired Bumble Bee Returns to Britain (1 min)
Orchid Bees Euglossa (9 mins)
Pollinator hedgerows for farms Hedgerows (4:33 mins)
Smithonian tropical native bee research Nice job (5 mins)
Native Pollinators Alternatives (9:15 mins)
Releasing Mason Bees Blue Orchard (6 mins)
Saving the Bumblebee Humble Bee (31:58 mins)
Giant Honey Bees (Apis Dorsata) BBC (4:50 mins)
Chasing Bumble Bees in the Teton Mountains Humble Bees (10:38 mins)
Native Pollinators Alternatives (9:15 mins)
Keeping Native Stingless Bees Australia (3 mins)
Extinct Short Haired Bumble Bee Returns to Britain (1 min)
Orchid Bees Euglossa (9 mins)
Magical Beehive Story (Dance) from the early 1900's (2:30 mins)
1925 - Bijenmarkt (Bee Market) Veenendaal, Netherlands Hand slapping and dogs (3 mins)
1927 - New York - Girl tends to her Langstroth Bee Hive (2 mins)
1931 - Bee Market, Tilburg, Netherlands Pipe smokers (1 min)
1930's - Dutch Bee Market Skeps (10 mins)
1933 - The Keeper of the Bees Commercial (2 mins)
Thirties Beekeeping Part 1 Oldies but goodies (6:27 mins)
Thirties Beekeeping Part 2 Oldies but goodies (5:52 mins)
Thirties Beekeeping Part 3 Oldies but goodies (6:59 mins)
Thirties Beekeeping Part 4 Oldies but goodies (4:28 mins)
Thirties Beekeeping Part 5 Oldies but goodies (7:43 mins)
Het Bijenvolk The Bee Community (Dutch) (25 mins)
Beekeeping on the Move 1947 Australia (10 mins)
1948- British Transparent Bee Hive Observation (1 min)
1956 - Lassie - The Bee Hive (24 mins)
1961 Bee Research Foraging (3 mins)
1965 - Bees for Export British (1 min)
Origins and Evolutionary History of the Honey Bee (58 mins)
Women in Beekeeping History (5 mins)
Bee Smokers Smokers (36:49 mins)
Het Bijenvolk The Bee Community (Dutch) (25 mins)
Beekeeping on the Move 1947 Australia (10 mins)
1948- British Transparent Bee Hive Observation (1 min)
1956 - Lassie - The Bee Hive (24 mins)
1961 Bee Research Foraging (3 mins)
1965 - Bees for Export British (1 min)
Origins and Evolutionary History of the Honey Bee (58 mins)
Women in Beekeeping History (5 mins)
Bee Smokers Smokers (36:49 mins)
Bees of the World
Japan's rooftop bees Japan
Urban beekeeping San Francisco
Bees Without Borders Third World
Nongtraw Village Agrobiodiversity (Beekeeping)
Anita the Beekeeper Culture Unplugged
Honey for the Maya Central America
Ceremonia de Miel Stingless honey bees
Honduran Beekeepers Farmers
Bees in the world by Eric Tourneret Bees in the World
Honduran Beekeepers Farmers
Bees in the world by Eric Tourneret Bees in the World
General Interest
Global Warming is Killing Bees USDA (3 mins)
Keep the Hives Alive .org (36 mins)
Sister Bee Trailer (3 mins)
Dance of the Honey Bee (6 mins)
Hope is Golden The Fair Trade Story (10 mins)
Bee in Ultra Slow Motion (1 min)
Minuscule - The Convoy (humor) (5 mins)
Honey Badger v.s Beehive PBS (3 mins)
Everything you every wanted to know about the Honey Bee (75 mins)
People, Plants and Pollinators National Geog (21 mins)
Every City Needs Honey Bees (13 mins)
Dance of the Honey Bee Bill Moyers (7 mins)
Bee Sanctuary Davis, California (11:15 mins)
Brooklyn's Hurricane Bees Survivors (2 mins)
Bee Swarm Man Not right (3 mins)
The Bee Crisis in Britain Crisis (9:05 mins)
Every Third Bite Bees (9:07 mins)
Green Fairy Farmers Berkeley, California (30 mins)
An Adventure With Bees Bees learning (Children) (11:11 mins)
Bees & Butterflies General information (30:36 mins)
Cooking with Honey Cooking (22:40 mins)
Honey Bee Festival @ Norfolk Botanical Gardens Hive Inspection (25:24 mins)
High Def Bee High Def (4 mins)
The Buzz about Bees Buzz (2:19 mins)
Les Insectes Bees (5:14 mins)
Bees at the White
House White House
(2:30 mins)
Beekeeping Obsessives (Honey) Honey (11:18 mins)
Bee in ultra slow
motion Slow
(1:34 mins)
The Beekeeper Beekeeper (6:04 mins)
Insect Macro Photography Photography (3:11 mins)
The Beekeepers Experimental documentary (27:34 mins)
Gratitude Louie Swartzberg (9:56 mins)
The Bee Photographer Photo (3:14 mins)
Bill Maher Talk about bees (4:42 mins)
Tracking origins of bootleg honey Tracking Honey (1:03 mins)
Bee Man Bee sting therapy (10:47 mins)
Breeding Survivor Queenbees (3:57 mins)
Africanized Bee Alert (1985) Africanized Bee Alert (14:56 mins)
How Honey is Made Sweet stuff (4:45 mins)
Bee headbutt Headbutt (45 secs)
A Bee Tree Bee Tree (10:51 mins)
How to Make a Japanese Honeybee Hive Build (7 mins)
Straw hive making Straw (6 mins)
Opening a round skep hive Skep (10 mins)
Hygienic Behaviour in Honey Bees (3 mins)
Using the Waggle Dance to Understand Seasonal Foraging (8 mins)
The Waggle Dance of the Honey Bee Dancing (7:29 mins)
Pesticides and Bees
Effects of Tank-mix Pesticides on Bees OSU Webinar (52 mins)
Killing Bees Are government and industry responsible? (27 mins)
Vanishing of the Bees Maryam Heinein interview (10 mins)
CCD Pesticides (5 mins)
Effects of Neonicotinoid Pesticides on Bee Behaviour (71 mins)
Buzzkill CCD (14 mins)
Neonicotinoid Pesticides Effects on Bees (25 mins)
GM Honey bees Oh no! (9:37 mins)
Jay Feldman on Pesticides and Bees (2012) Pesticides and Bees (13:33 min.)
AgricultureInsect Macro Photography Photography (3:11 mins)
The Beekeepers Experimental documentary (27:34 mins)
Gratitude Louie Swartzberg (9:56 mins)
The Bee Photographer Photo (3:14 mins)
Bill Maher Talk about bees (4:42 mins)
Tracking origins of bootleg honey Tracking Honey (1:03 mins)
Bee Man Bee sting therapy (10:47 mins)
Breeding Survivor Queenbees (3:57 mins)
Africanized Bee Alert (1985) Africanized Bee Alert (14:56 mins)
How Honey is Made Sweet stuff (4:45 mins)
Bee headbutt Headbutt (45 secs)
Ozarks Beekeepers Ozarks
(20 mins)
How to make your
garden bee friendly Plants
(3:27 mins)
Beelining Hunting for Bees (42 mins) A Bee Tree Bee Tree (10:51 mins)
How to Make a Japanese Honeybee Hive Build (7 mins)
Straw hive making Straw (6 mins)
Opening a round skep hive Skep (10 mins)
Hygienic Behaviour in Honey Bees (3 mins)
Using the Waggle Dance to Understand Seasonal Foraging (8 mins)
The Waggle Dance of the Honey Bee Dancing (7:29 mins)
Pesticides and Bees
Effects of Tank-mix Pesticides on Bees OSU Webinar (52 mins)
Killing Bees Are government and industry responsible? (27 mins)
Vanishing of the Bees Maryam Heinein interview (10 mins)
CCD Pesticides (5 mins)
Effects of Neonicotinoid Pesticides on Bee Behaviour (71 mins)
Buzzkill CCD (14 mins)
Neonicotinoid Pesticides Effects on Bees (25 mins)
GM Honey bees Oh no! (9:37 mins)
Jay Feldman on Pesticides and Bees (2012) Pesticides and Bees (13:33 min.)
The Future of Food and Seed Very Important (60 mins)
Unbroken Ground - The future role of food (26 mins)
Fed Up GM Foods, Sustainable Agriculture (58 mins)
Neonicotinoids: The New DDT Insecticide (27 mins)
The Curious Garden Children's Animation (8 mins)
Humus The essential ingredient (20 mins)
The Home Orchard Part I - Basics (60 mins)
The Home Orchard Part II - Pruning (60 mins)
The health dangers of Roundup Herbicide (65 mins)
Restoration Agriculture Mark Shepard (23 mins)
Guerilla Gardening in L.A. Good stuff (11 mins)
The Price of Sugar The Price of Sugar (89:41 mins)
Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods GMO (85 mins)
The Truth about GM Crops Truth (23 mins)
Why Genetically Engineered Foods Should Be Labelled GMO (13 mins)
Stop Monsanto from Poisoning Hawaii Monsanto (43:04 mins)
Bad Seed - The Truth About Our Food (Monsanto GMO) Bad Seed (57:15 mins)
Plants for a Future Plants for a Future (48:06 mins)
In Grave Danger of Falling Food Grave Danger (51:55 mins)
GMO FOOD You Have the Right to Know (1:42 mins)
Farmers on GM Alfalfa Stop it! (9 mins)
Agroindustry The Truth from a smart kid (5:22 mins)
Monsanto Nightmare GMO (4:28 mins)
The Lost American Dream Agro self-sufficiency (5 mins)
What’s Wrong With Our Food System Good Food (5:22 mins)
Green Bronx Machine Urban farming (14:42 mins)White Crow Farm Project Slocan Valley (5 mins)
Greening the Desert Desert (36:35 mins)
MythBusters Industrial Agriculture (6 mins)
Making the Connection Industrial agriculture industrial bees (9:29 mins)
Neonicotinoid Insecticides Neonicotinoids (25:22 mins)
Agrochemical Companies to stand trial In the guise of feeding the world (3:21 mins)
Seeds of Dissent Genetically modified seed (5 mins)
There's No Tomorrow Oil (35 mins)
What if...we change Permaculture (32 mins)
Biocides: Rachel Carson Environmentalist (10 mins)
Seed Savers Webinar Series
1. Introduction
2. Introduction continued
3. Seed Starting
4. Planning your garden for seed saving
5. Starting a seed collection
6. Using the Seed Savers Exchange yearbook
7. Part 2
8. Part 3
9. Apple Grafting
10. Heirlooms, OP's and Hybrids
11. Seed saving for beginners
12. Corn hand-pollination
13. Squash hand-pollination
14. Tomato seed saving
15. Listing seeds in the Seed Savers Exchange Yearbook
16. Seed storage
17. Home germination testing
DocumentariesMaking the Connection Industrial agriculture industrial bees (9:29 mins)
Taking Monsanto to Court Farmer (9 mins)
Something in the Air Dangers of pesticides (24:52 mins)Neonicotinoid Insecticides Neonicotinoids (25:22 mins)
Agrochemical Companies to stand trial In the guise of feeding the world (3:21 mins)
Seeds of Dissent Genetically modified seed (5 mins)
There's No Tomorrow Oil (35 mins)
What if...we change Permaculture (32 mins)
Biocides: Rachel Carson Environmentalist (10 mins)
Seed Savers Webinar Series
1. Introduction
2. Introduction continued
3. Seed Starting
4. Planning your garden for seed saving
5. Starting a seed collection
6. Using the Seed Savers Exchange yearbook
7. Part 2
8. Part 3
9. Apple Grafting
10. Heirlooms, OP's and Hybrids
11. Seed saving for beginners
12. Corn hand-pollination
13. Squash hand-pollination
14. Tomato seed saving
15. Listing seeds in the Seed Savers Exchange Yearbook
16. Seed storage
17. Home germination testing
Salmon Confidential Dire Farm Salmon effects (69 mins)
Plasticized Massive Worldwide Plastic Waste (48 mins)
India suing Monsanto for Biopiracy (8 mins)
We the Tiny House People (81 mins)
Green Gold Rehabilitation of large-scale damaged ecosystems (47 mins)
Green: The Death of Forests Consequences of deforestation in Indonesia (47 mins)
Fault Lines: Fracking in America (23 mins)
Fault Lines: The Battle for the Arctic (23 mins)
Acid Test: The Global challenge of ocean acidification (21 mins)
Life Running Out of Control The catastrophic effects of genetic manipulation (60 mins)
The Corporation World Control (144 mins)
Monsanto Imagine (the consequences) (3 mins)
How to Green the World’s Deserts and Reverse Climate Change (22 mins)
Back to Eden (Culture Unplugged) (103 mins)
Grains of Truth (The real cost of America's GMO harvest) (11 mins)
The Collective Evolution Change (111 mins)
Seeds of Freedom Jeremy Irons (30 mins)
The link for: Beekeeping by Rotation System Rotation System is down.
ReplyDeleteHere is a alternative link:
Thanks. Some of the links disappear occasionally and need updating.
ReplyDeleteThanks for useful and helpful videos in the website but I want to draw your attention about the video format, that dear sir/madam if possible please convert the videos from you-tube to other than, because you-tube is banned in our region (Pakistan) for some reasons. It is really very very helpful for beekeepers. Thanks once again.
ReplyDeleteYou can use a proxy server to access youtube ( like Unblock Proxy ( Good luck.
ReplyDeleteHey! Love the comprehensive list, I mentioned you on my channel, Flight of the Honeybee. It's a channel dedicated to honeybees and hopefully later on, a vlog on a newbee's first hive experience.
ReplyDeleteThanks. Good luck on your honey bee adventure.